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No. 15

"...Six - the combatant acts in a hostile manner or displays intent to harm. We'll say 'yes'. Seven..."

"...Six - the combatant acts in a hostile manner or displays intent to harm. We'll say 'yes'. Seven..."

Made it through the summer! I started the site on Memorial Day and made it to Labor Day. Now that school is starting and I can get some quiet time around the house, I'll be doing more promotion. On that note, the cartoons are all available in black and white and grayscale. All profits go to benefit veterans!

NOTE: If you tried to email info@MILWIT.COM and didn't get through, it was because of an undiscovered error that just got fixed. Please email with your suggestions, jokes and requests - we want to hear from you!

Please Note: This site is not yet affiliated with any Veteran's agency. If your agency is interested, please contact us.

All cartoons on this site are protected by copyright and cannot be reprinted without permission. For reproduction rights, see Publish link or click here.